Dr. Palmer

Motivation in 5 mgs

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Delfi’s day started fairly typically: woken up by a random text message an hour earlier than she wanted to be up.  An hour and a half in bed on her iPhone; looking at Facebook; playing Scramble with Friends; deleting Facebook in sorry recognition that it consumed her life and dulled her brain; downloading & trying out FB event apps so she wouldn’t miss any events without FB; realizing they don’t work without FB installed; re-installing FB with a huff and a sigh.

And of course, she got out of bed too late to have enough time to shower before her appointment with the Partial Hospitalization Program that Dr. Palmer said would change her life.  Delfi strongly doubted that a 15 day treatment program clear across the city would change her life, but she promised both Dr. Palmer and her tele-therapist Luisa that she’d give it a try.  She knew she could make it across the city, even if she was late, so she put her hair in frizzy ponytails, ignored the circles under her eyes as best she could, put the same clothes on as yesterday, and headed out to the bus.

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Kindness of Strangers

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The phone rang insistently, waking Delfi out of her shallow sleep.  She managed to nap a tad, much needed after the long night at Jonah’s. Now it was 12 noon, time for her phone appointment with Dr. Palmer, the head of psychiatry at her god-awful HMO.  Delfi had long ago given up on getting any semblance of quality mental health care from them, and her attitude on the phone reflected that.  Grunting out one-word responses to his questions, the same he asked every week, she could tell Dr. Palmer was feeling frustrated.  Delfi simply didn’t care.

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